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Homemade Pistol Rack


  If you own multiple handguns, you may wish to store them using a specially designed rack or stand to prevent damage and mechanical failure. Handgun racks also present a stylish and elegant way to display multiple handguns in your hunting wide span rack room or gun closet and can be custom built to accommodate your entire collection.

  Measure a rectangle 6-1/2 inches wide by 20 inches long on a piece of 1-inch-by-8 inch pine or hardwood board. Use a tape measure for the measurements and a framing square to draw the rectangle directly onto the board.
Secure the board to a table or work bench and cut out the rectangle using an electric jigsaw wide span rack or circular saw, being careful to maintain a straight cut. Label this piece with the letter "A" with a pencil and set it aside.

  Measure another 20-inch-long piece of 1-inch-by-8-inch board and draw a rectangle 7 inches wide by 20 inches long, using a framing square to ensure straight lines.
Secure this second rectangular piece to a table or work bench and cut out the rectangle using an electric jigsaw or circular saw. Label the rectangle with the letter "B."
Place the board labeled "B" on a flat surface. Using a tape measure, mark a point on its face exactly 3 inches in from the edge of the long side of the board.
  Mark another point wide span rack at the other end of the board exactly 3 inches away and use your framing square or yard stick to make a straight line through both of these points, parallel to the long edge of the rectangle. The line should span the entire 20-inch length of the board.